TEL +55 11 98171 9781

Rua Bela Cintra, 282, cj 25 - São Paulo/SP
São Paulo - SP

Residence located in the Morumbi neighborhood, São Paulo. The lot size corresponded to the area desired for the house, which allowed a spacious garden.  The garage and service areas were discreetly placed where the site slopes downwards, leaving a large space for the garden without compromising daylight or ventilation in those areas or in the house as a whole.

The concept plan articulates transparency and privacy through three different elements: a set of panels that create a sculptural division between the house and the street, providing privacy and acoustic comfort without the need of a thick wall; a transparent volume with a lightweight roof and a cantilevered canopy that creates a veranda; and an elevated volume with narrow openings that hovers above the garden and encloses the private area.

AREA: 170 m²

SCOPE architectural design

TEAM Marinha Martins (architect)

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